HomeSoups and Stews Bisquick Dumplings

Bisquick Dumplings

Posted in : Soups and Stews, Special/Unique on by : Noreen Tags: , ,

Serves: 4

2 cups original Bisquick mix
⅔ cup cold milk
Optional: 2 Tablespoons chopped chives or dried parsley.

Put the Bisquick mix into a small bowl and use a spoon to make a well in the center. Slowly stir in the milk until a soft dough forms without any large lumps. A few small lumps are OK.

Drop by the heaping Tablespoon into a large pot with stew or soup that is rapidly boiling. Reduce the heat to a low boil and allow to cook, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Gently stir occasionally to avoid burning on the bottom of the pan. Cover and reduce heat even lower. Cook, covered, for 10 minutes.

Sprinkle with the chives or parsley, if desired, and serve immediately.


A wide pot with tight fitting lid is essential for the proper steaming of the dumplings. I use a 5 quart chili pot and make sure that it is about half full of the stew or soup so that there is plenty of liquid to steam the dumplings without totally boiling away.

When measuring the Bisquick and other flours, spoon the Bisquick/flour into the measuring cup and then use a straight edge, such as the back of a knife or a spatula,  to level it off. Don’t scoop flour with the measuring cup or pack it down – that gives a denser, false measure of flour.

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