7 September, 2013
No-Bake Apple Crumb Pudding

Serves: 6
1 package Cinnamon Sandies cookies, crushed
¼ cup butter, softened
1 can apple pie filling
Ground cinnamon, to taste
Mix crushed cookies with softened butter.
Pat cookie mixture firmly into bottom of a 9ʺ x 13ʺ pan. Spread apple pie filling over mixture, add cinnamon to taste if desired. Spread remaining cookie mixture over pie filling, pat down firmly.
Chill for 2 hours or more.
If you want this served warm, heat it in microwave for about 20 seconds. It is wonderful warm or cold, served alone or with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
Recipe By: Phyllis Urbanek (Linda Bradshaw’s mother in law)
One thought on : 1
Michael’s mother created this recipe when she bought a bag of Pecan Sandies Cinnamon flavored cookies and didn’t like them. She decided to try to use them up and came up with this. Jon and I like it a lot!